
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sledding on Christmas Day

Papa took this action shot of Archer on the new sled that he got for Xmas that morning.  What a look of sheer joy!  This is what Christmastime is all about.  Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fannie Goat & Nilly Goat

Archer was in his first operatic performance this week, planing Nilly Goat in the 1st/2nd Grade Theater production of "The Three Nanny Goats."

He did a FANTASTIC job, even though he couldn't keep his hands off of his beard.

We're all very proud!

Tiger Cub Scout Archer Bennington Reporting for Duty

Monday, November 30, 2009

Archer's Halloween

Okay...sorry, everyone.  I've been so distracted by my other two blogs that I have been remiss in updating photos of the boy for all to see.  Here are some great photos of Archer as Harry Potter on Halloween.  He even had a wand (a great stick found by Papa), and a snowy owl that he tried to balance on his shoulder, but pretty much just carried around with him.

Archer covered a lot of trick-or-treat territory this year!  He was accompanied by his friends Hannah & Henry, Julia & Nina, along with Papa, Paul, Jo, Heidi and Daddy, of course.   Nana and I stayed home and handed out candy, and tended to the traditional hot cider & chili.  All in all, it was a great Halloween!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Archer's favorite people

Who does Archer love more than his cousins? Nobody, it seems.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Archer and his buddies

Archer and his friend Anthony. at the pool. I've never seen either of them not moving for this long before.

Archer and Kai at the Apple Valley Water Park field trip. Enjoying turning their teeth blue with Fun Dips. Fun Dips are fun!